
Project Details

  • Client: John Leggott College
  • Location:
  • Value: £274K

Project Description

A fast track refurbishment project to transform the reception of John Leggott College dividing the whole area into four key zones; passage, exhibition, welcome and meet, with each zone being a different colour to incorporate the college’s brand colours. Coloured rubber flooring was laid which extended to wrap up each adjacent wall which also provided display pockets for college literature to be displayed. We consolidated the existing area into four key zones; passage, exhibition, welcome and meet, attributing each zone a colour from the college’s brand. The use of coloured rubber flooring was extended to wrap up adjacent walls, providing display pockets that appear to peel away revealing the literature within.

A fast track refurbishment project to transform the reception of John Leggott College dividing the whole area into four key zones; passage, exhibition, welcome and meet, with each zone being a different colour to incorporate the college’s brand colours. Coloured rubber flooring was laid which extended to wrap up each adjacent wall which also provided display pockets for college literature to be displayed. We consolidated the existing area into four key zones; passage, exhibition, welcome and meet, attributing each zone a colour from the college’s brand. The use of coloured rubber flooring was extended to wrap up adjacent walls, providing display pockets that appear to peel away revealing the literature within.

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